Thursday, November 8, 2012

Revitalize the Republican Party

In 2008 the Republican Party was given an opportunity to go back to the drawing board and losing in that election.  Thanks to President Obama we were not allowed to take advantage of that.  It is time now for a renovation of the Republican Party.  Just like the Democrat Party, we are a diverse party with core beliefs.  We must accept this and make it a center of our beliefs.  There are several things we must do.  I will be making them brief and go in to more later.
All individuals who identify themselves as Republicans must do a political soul search.  Why are you a Republican what issues are out there that concern as a citizen of this country.  Second part of this is the realization that there is more than one way to solve an issue and almost all issues are inter-connected.  For an example Abortion and the healthcare act are inter-connected issues.  The third part of your review need to pass the “Good for the goose is good for the gander test.”  This means if you use an argument for a cause that you believe in; can a democrat use the same argument for their cause?  Last part, know your history.  Know this history of this country, know the history of this party and know the history of the issues.
Second thing; commit yourself to the resolving of these issues.  Many organizations on both sides of the political spectrum are there to stand up for their cause because it gives them political clout and to have their issue resolved or on the way to being resolve brings a loss of political clout.  So commit yourself and the different levels of the Republican party to resolve these issues and support and encourage your candidate  to work on bring tough issues to the for front to discuss them and move them further to resolution.  Is there a more better way to represent your beliefs and also being a effective citzen and Republican.As Richard Murdock said recently, be Bipartisan in your beliefs, morals and principles but do not be Bipartisan in resolving the issues.  Encourage all Candidates to be that way. 
Outreach, All Republicans at all levels, no matter if they are moderates or conservatives must go out and do outreach.  Does not matter if there is an election or not.  Educate people on why you believe the way you do based on your principles.  This will educate you and them both at the same time.  Volunteer as an individual, at the local, state and federal level.  Make this a commitment as a good citizen of your community and country.
Lastly, take control of your candidate.   Make sure they have the means and capability to maintain a residence in their district.  Make them understand that they are needed back home to stay up to date on what is going on.  Make sure the local Republican Party goes to Washington to insure that line of communication remains open and not lost.  Let him know, the people back home are more important than lobbyist and their trips.
This is it right now and I hope you get the idea of the direction I am going in.  Want to hear your feedback.

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