Friday, May 27, 2011

Ask GOP canadiates tough financial questions.

  The overall quality of the republican candidates is disapointing. Now that Mitch Daniels is not running, there is no one who has what it take to be president and be electable. I want to make it clear I do not think that the current republican candidates or even potential ones are not capable to offer the leadership, critical thinking and moral & political courage to be an effective president to deal with our financial situation.  I know this sounds extreme, but the reason I am saying this is to encourage all financial conservatives to ask these candidates’ the tough question on how they will lead. How will they work with congress? Is getting a yearly budget in on time important to them?  How will they work with the individual states to work these financial changes in without causing undue burden on the states?  Are their plans financially sound and make sense?  Ask them the tough questions and make them better canadiates.

Monday, April 11, 2011

F-35 Fighter

The F-35 program is on life support.  All three version have issues that delay initial operational capability to around 2018.  This is not including sales to foriegn countries.  Many, if not all became partners in the program, to include making major financial investments.  Some of these countries, example Australia, have been forced to make investment in other aircraft as a temporary fixes. 

The Marine Corp version is the main one with the majority of issues.  Right behind that one is the Naval verision.  What is the solution?  In this era of budget cutbacks, deficit an debt.  the solution might not be pretty.  i believes if things continue the program could be at risk to be cancelled.  However, the realistic possibility that more then likely will happen is a extremely scaled back the program.  This will force the cost per aircraft to go higher then the current estimate of $450 million per plane.

My recomendation/s.  Re-open the F-22 line.  Build 100 more aircraft.  They already are testing a upgrade program for the F-22 that will give it limited air to ground capability.  It is already known, that the F-22 has very good air to ground possibility. 

Put the priority of  the Air Force Version of the F-35.  It has the fewest problems.  Even with issues it can be declared Initial operating capable the fasted.

Consider purchasing 100 F-15K to replace current older F-15s, especially in the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve.

Help countries in the F-35 programs lease F-18Fs or F-15Ks to tide them over until the F-35 program is healthy.   This will also keep high tech production lines going and Americans working.

Friday, April 8, 2011

2012 prediction

Viewing recent events and news report of them and the political turmoil around them.  I think I can make a bold but logical political prediction.  I believe right now that Hilary Clinton is the best person to beat President Obama.   President Obama is beatable, that is obvious.  However like 1996, it has to beat the right person.  I do not see no republican right now that can do it.  However, Hilary Clinton by running against him in the primary will pull all moderates and conservative democrats in and in the general election take all moderates and win.  While it will tear apart the democratic party, it will guarantee them the White House for another 8 years.

Whats your thoughts?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Japan and Libya

Japan has suffer unbelievable death and destruction.  This will have a enormous impact on the world economy in many different ways.  The true lessons of the triple devastation will take years to understand.  There should not be a rush to judgement on any of it.

Libya is a continuation of a chain reaction civilian uprising that have and are occurring in the middle east, north Africa and southwest Asia.  While this intervention by the UN and NATO was done to protect the citizens.  Do not not think there was other reasons Britain and France were pushing it.  I.E.  Shorter and more secure source of oil for Europe.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Change world and changing country

People, the world is changing.  The events in the middle east and Persian Gulf  are showing that people are wanting freedom and democracy.  This is not a Islamic revolution.  However it is also saying that we can maintain the same policies with them.  China is a economic powerhouse, as well as India.

Our education system is falling behind other nations.  We are weak in science and in math education.  Education is not the constitutional responsibility of the federal government.   This country is going broke, not just because of the recent bailouts and buyouts, because we have a social security, medicaid and medicare system that are unsustainable.  We have politicians that are cowards in facing up to this.  We have a health care system that financially unsustainable for the public at large.  Recent legislation to make changes either do not go far enough to fix it or actually make it worse.

Our unions the bastion of workers rights, collective bargaining and workplace safety; have slowly lost power and influence since the early 1950s.  They have been unwilling and/or unable to change with the times and still use work stoppages and strikes.  They are dependent on government to maintain their place in the work place.

Business requires American consumers to spend, however developing countries and even China has a bigger and expanding consumer market then the United States.  So does not it make sense to move manufacturing capabilities closer to them.  Many unions invest their workers pensions in various companies, making these pension funds and their manager stockbrokers and not just employees.  Business needs to power of change.  To look at what business practices and/or product and product line meets the needs of consumer and allows for minimum necessity to change things or end up with a product that is suddenly not in demand due to economic and/or world situations.

The issues going on in Wisconsin and Indiana are not going to result in major changes and in fact are meaningless.  These budget continuation with budget cuts are meaningless and do not mean nothing.  While there is a need for reform in all agencies on how we do business in the federal government.  There is also a need to look at all government agencies on not just reform, but need, duplication of services and constitutionality and relevances.

There is no demons or bad guys to blame, there is enough blame to go around.  It does not matter if you are a liberal or tea party member.  Innovated and Critical Thinking leader with the courage to say what is not popular, but what it is necessary.  I do not see anyone or group who is taking the lead to do is what is required.

Friday, February 11, 2011


President Mubarak is gone.  The Military is in charge.  The people do not want a Islamic Republic, but some type of democracy.  I applaud what has happen and the people for their courage and patience.  All Americans must be vocal in their support of a peaceful transition.  We also must be patient and helpful to them.  We must remain friends and not abandon them when there is trouble or turbulence. 

It is obvious that the people do not want a Islamic republic, how ever they will be part of the process and this is fine.  By being active and welcomed then they are controlled.  It is obvious the people do not want any type of autocratic government again.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Middle East

The disturbances and protests in the Middle East have been a long time coming.  Most goverments in that region are not democratic.  President Bush knew this and he knew what would happen if a democracy/republic can take hold in the region.  It took other events then Iraq to be the match to the fuze.  Maybe or maybe not the wikileaks influenced events.  But now you had events in the last 6 months in Iran, Jordan, Eygpt, Tusinia and Yemen.  These events need to be allowed to happen.  We need to encourage but not influence these changes.

We as Americans must be vocal in our support.  So future generations in these countries may have it better.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I think it would be in the best interest of the US Air Force to start getting rid of the KC-135 as soon and as fast as possible.  With the Air Force already having around 90 KC-10, supplementing that with another 30 to 40 MD11F (KC-10R?) with both boom and Hose & Drogue systems.  You then can Remove a equal number of KC-135s.  No building of aircraft is necessary, you just need to buy them from the open market and modify them.  You assign them to Air Force Reserve and Air Guard unit to take advantage of pilots you fly this aircraft in their civilian jobs.  I believe you save on long term maintenance cost and flight restrictions.  We can also assigned  1 squadron to each the Pacific Air Force and USAFE.

This also protects the Air Force from anymore further delays in the KC-X program.  If the Air Force does not want to keep that many aircraft over the long run, then you can sell the excess to other countries.  Examples would be Spain, Brazil, Poland, Chile and PPortugal.

When the KC-X is in full swing we must start removing the KC- 135 from the active inventory aggressively.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sarah Palin

I think the media and democrats realize that they stepped on it with harping on the Republicans and civil discourse.  I believe they realized they screwed up.  The American people saw it for what it was.  Especially when more information on the shooter came out.

The medias and Democrats attack on Palin shows me two things.  They are scared of her strength and influence.  That attacked her for being a joke, a idiot and all that.  Well as we all know if that was true, we all know they should not bother attacking her. 

The recent elections shows where her influence and power is.  I think it would be a big mistake on her part and will damage the republican party.  I think the last election, shows where she is the most effective.  I will even go on a limb that she should not endorse a republican candidate  during the primary.  She is a lighting rod and she would be more influential endorsing congressional candidate in 2012.  Democrats hate her and blame her for everything.  We need to leave it that way.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The shooting of a congressman

This shooting of a congressman in Arizona is an unacceptable act of violence.  The fact that a child and 5 other people died as result of extreme action of a individual should not be tolerated.  This act is the responsibility of the individual committing it.   Lets not get in the frenzy of blaming a political movement and/or talk radio.  Lets investigate the shooting and take appropriate legal action against all who are directly involved.

We all must fight for positive change in government.  We must demand more of our political leaders.  if we are not satisfied with our governmental leaders; lets remove them from office by voting.