Sunday, October 24, 2010

Juan William's comments.

Juan William's comments were not racist.  He was stating a fear that many people have.  The terrorist were of the islamic faith.  He was not stating all people of the faith were taerrorist.  Bill O'Reilly was stating the same thing in his recent comments.

While most people need to understand the difference between Islamic and Islamist.  Islamism—an extremist and at times violent ideology, which is different with the more normal versions of Islam.

All Muslims are not terrorist, just as all Christians are not terrorist.  However a higher degree of various versions of Islam have been high jacked by extremes and are exposing their extreme faiths here and abroad.  That is why there is a greater fear of home grown terrorist.  More so then your racist/militia type extremist.  Christianity and Islam are not religions, they are faiths.  Religion is man made.  the constitutions bars this country to have a specific religion.  That is why the Pilgrims fled England in the first place.  Yes it would be beneficial for people to understand Islam better, just as it would for Muslims to understand Christianity better.

Mr. Williams and Mr. O'Reilly did not say nothing inaccurate or mean spirited.  Mr. Williams and the NPR might have had their differences before his comments.  However Mr. Williams is a progressive and maybe the biggest mistake was he did not sound like one to the NPR.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Immigration and border security

The immigration issue is that politics will not let be solved.  I will go as far as saying that there are politicians of all nationalities that do not want it to be solved.  Big business does not want no reform that increases the cost of their migrant worker.  Meet packing plants are the same way.  The average american workers do not want to see the cost of the things they buy go up. 

we talk about the illegal Mexican workers but the we have issues with immigration when there was even no actual laws covering it. 

In the last few years when Border patrol got increases in their manpower and start various new programs and procedural changes; there were major drops in crossings.  If you initiated these programs across the southern border you would decrease crossings substantially.  However there is no political will in Washington DC to do so. 

Mexicans and other South & Central American illegals already in this country are now in a sense trapped.  So why not start a amnesty programs to identify them and provide them with proper documentation.  In a sense make them post a bond of several thousand dollars.  Do a criminal history check and give them a visa for several years to allow them to start a process of citizenship.  Speed up the process for immigrants who are already doing things the legal way.  When identifying anyone who has committed a crime then send them back to their country or origin.  This includes the use of fraudulent identification.

I know this view mainly deals with the issue of immigration on our southern border.  I will post more about other nationalities in the future.