Sunday, September 2, 2012

It is been a long time since I posted in my blog.  I decided I needed to start again to amplify my views.  I first want to state that both political parties are broken and do not serve their cause or this country.  This country has two dysfunctional parts of the legislative branch of government.  You can play the blame game, but both the house and senate has failed leadership.  The executive branch is no better. 

To see this country waiting to see what direction the government is going.  People in food lines, people unemployed and people underemployed.  No matter what your political beliefs, personal beliefs or professional beliefs there has to be a idea to mitigate the situation are people are going through.  To prepare them to take that new jobs that will be coming. 

Now is not the time for the same old way of doing business politically, now is the time to true question your belief and understand political issues are there to be solved, not to be used to politically beat each other up. 

Where is the true leadership in this country?


  1. I don't really see any true leaders in political positions. To say what is truly wrong with this country and to fix it....that's stuff most people do not want to hear or do. Why, because it will take commitment, time, and maybe some hardship on their part. People want quick fixes, they want it now. Politicians can not afford to do or say what really needs to be done because they would be vilified in the press and by every pundit out there. just my humble opinion!!!
    BTW...welcome back, little brother!!

  2. They pushed him out of the running because the only one who wouldn't operate the 'business as usual' was Ron Paul. And everyone feared him, exactly because he knew how to turn this country around.
