Thursday, August 26, 2010


With the recent revealation by the former GOP Director that he was Gay has added to a question that has been brewing in my mind.   The question is broken down to several points.  In a consitutional way define Homosexuality?  What is the consitutional metric for Homosexuality to be define as to be protected under the consitution?  Who makes the determination if  person is homoxexual and how and when he is covered consitutionally. 

This leads to the second part of my question.  When there is a violation, how can you prove that the person who did the violation know the person is gay if there is not outward physical sign unless the person self admits and how do you prove that the gay person is telling a truth or not.

Please let me know if you know the answer please?


  1. Why does the government need to define homosexuality? The only time the government needs to step into the public's sex life is in order to protect those who are underage. Republicans need to worry a little less over a man's sex life.

    As to the second question, I'm not sure that I understand it: "When there is a violation, how can you prove that the person who did the violation know the person is gay..." Well, Mr. Jasek, I'd hazard to guess that if one man is enjoying another man, that's pretty much all you need to know he is gay!

  2. Alex.....That is exactly what I am saying. If homosexuality is a civil right then it needs to be defined consitutionally to insure there is a violation.
